The Parish of Bridgewater
The Conqueralls
Nova Scotia
Holy Trinity – Every Sunday
10am (BAS)
Holy Communion first Sunday of the month
St James – 1st Sunday of Month
(April through December)
10:30am (BAS) Holy Communion
Holy Trinity Anglican Church – 68 Alexandra Ave, Bridgewater, NS, B4V 1H1
St James Anglican Church – Conquerall Mills, NS
Ph: (902) 543-3440
The members of our senior choir have provided the leadership for our morning service for many years. Their love of music has enriched our worship, and lifted our spirits, and new members are warmly welcomed.
Holy Trinity is fortunate to have a c1902 Casavant Freres pipe organ to lead the choir and congregation. It has been well maintained over the years, and makes a valuable contribution to our worship service.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Craft, organist and choir director.🎶
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Silent NIght - submitted as part of the 2010 - Silent Night Project.